Phencyclidine (aka PCP) is a non prescription hallucinogen. Although initially used as a surgical anesthetic, it has been off the market since mid 1960s. The drug causes an individual to experience altered experiences with sight and sound and tends to have a dissociative effect on the person.
Angel Dust, PeaCe Pill, Hog, Lovely, Wack, Ozone, Dust, Embalming Fluid, Rocket Fuel,Supergrass, Killer Joints.
An individual who is taking Phencyclidine (PCP) will often experience any combination of symptoms such as hallucinations, belief of exceptional strength, and unaffected by physical pain.
An individual who is in withdrawal from Phencyclidine (PCP) use will often exhibit memory loss, loss of coordination, loss of muscle control, hallucinations, flashbacks and psychotic episodes.